Research shows that men and women in committed romantic relationships enjoy many physical and mental health benefits, such as a reduction in stress and blood pressure and a boost to their immune systems, heart and lungs. But before you rush to take advantage of these pluses by moving in together, seriously consider whether the time is right to take the life-changing step of cohabiting with your significant other.

First, don’t rush into setting up house. Experts advise couples to defer living together until they’ve dated exclusively for at least six months.

Before you and your loved one make a move, ask key questions about why you want to share space. Do you both agree that the reason for this change is to build on the trust, respect, love and intimacy you’ve established in your relationship? Are you making the move strictly for practical reasons? Maybe you want to split expenses because neither you nor your lover is financially independent.

Honest answers to these questions will help you determine whether you’re ready for the inevitable adjustments individuals must make when they live under the same roof.

Here’s one more question: Do you and your significant other truly care about each other? According to findings from one large study in the United Kingdom, if the answer is yes, then cohabitation can mean you and your beloved will most likely be good for each other.